Sunday, October 27, 2013

Birthday Roadtrip

In the spirit of celebrating my birthday for a whole week, we rented a car and decided to take a day trip out of the city on Saturday. We drove up Palisades parkway to New York's Bear Mountain and explored a few trails up there and then spent the rest of the day heading wherever the wind blew us.

*Finding tacos and horchata in Newburg (a sad little town in the Hudson River valley).
*Taking my first sip of Diet Coke in 13 days.
*Realized I was craving seltzer water with lime - what??
*Driving in a car and stopping for treats at the gas station.
*Getting into a verbal altercation with la jefe at Sam's Lookout after letting ourselves into the park - and losing.
*Subsequently finding a pretty lookout and deciding we wouldn't let her ruin our trip.
*Taking lots of pictures of my #malemodel husband.
*Realizing all our photos taken with the tripod are blurry.
*Austin wearing his 10 year old Eagle High School sweatshirt that I tease him about.
*Arriving 3 minutes after Poughkeepsie's pedestrian bridge closed, then ending up at a delicious local creamery after both Dairy Queen and Rita's were closed.
*Not caring that things were closed and photos were blurry because all we wanted was a day out of the city to enjoy spending time with each other.

 Check out this dream boat:


  1. That's gorgeous! Did you just drive around or did you stay in a hotel out of the city?

  2. Love this blog, you two are so cute together and the fact you put up with Austin and still adore him makes me so happy!

    1. I really just stay in it for the rest of the Hyde family ;)
